Create Notes With
CA$H NOW SELLER FINANCING (e-booklet, just $7.95)
You probably know that buyers LOVE Seller Financing!
And if you are an investor, you know that one of the best ways to structure a creative real estate or NOTE purchase is with Seller Financing.
BUT, unfortunately, many sellers won’t even consider Seller Financing because the down payment does not provide the cash they need, or at least want.
This eBooklet provides a solution to this dilemma and shows you how to create win-win transactions.
* If you work on commission, knowing this technique could earn you at least $12,000 a year in additional income.
* If you are an investor, knowing this technique could allow you to buy at least one additional property each year.
* And, if you are a note broker or investor, by understanding CA$H NOW SELLER FINANCING you will be able to work with Realtors® and investors to acquire many additional good notes!
In addition to explaining this Creative Financing technique this eBooklet explains the important documents used in Seller Financing and shows examples of the use of the technique.
It also answers Frequently Asked Questions and tells you how to get more information and how to get started using this powerful, money making technique today!
The author is Ken Gain, MAI, SRS, CCIM, CRE, who has been an active real estate investor and full-time real estate professional since 1962. He is President of CA$H NOW Financial Corporation, and helps investors and Realtors close creative transactions like those described in the eBooklet.
33 information-packed pages, only $7.95. Order now and get it immediately!